
Button on keyboard unlocks accessibility.
6 July 2023

Is your message reaching everyone? Now’s the time to consider plain language. It supports equity, accessibility and inclusion.

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Office worker sits despondently at her laptop. She’s stuck two sticky notes with eyes drawn on them over her eyes.
16 May 2023

If you're suffering from staffing cuts or need to improve productivity and efficiency at work, switching to plain language can help.

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A lawyer shows their client where to sign a contract.
16 May 2023

It's time to ditch the legalese and create plain language contracts that everyone can understand.

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Worker receives multiple urgent emails
24 April 2023

After years of critically analysing emails – the good, the bad and the ugly – we’ve come up with 2 recommendations that will guarantee your email gets read.

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A man works at his desk on website content writing.
20 February 2023

Why is website content writing so challenging? We’ve got you covered. Let's look at what you need to know about writing for the web.

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