Getting to the point® Videos Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights Agreement

At 21 October 2022

Getting to the point® Videos

Plain English Foundation of Level 2, 191 Clarence St Pty Ltd (PEF/we/our/us) owns the Getting to the point® Videos and runs the Site that hosts them. 

We provide the Videos and the Site as an online reference tool for your organisation’s employees (not third-party contractors or consultants) (Service Users/you/your). You can access the Videos through a device connected to your organisation’s network, either in-house or through a VPN. 

You agree to the:

This agreement sets out what you can and cannot do with our content. 

1. We have copyright over our intellectual property

Unless otherwise shown, we own all of the intellectual property rights in the Videos and the Site, including our: 

  • writing advice, tools, guidelines, examples and edits
  • other resources we make available
  • designs, images and branding
  • trademarks
  • inventions including databases, compilations and codes
  • online information, data and resources including our software, instructions, internet-based services, support services and related print or electronic material.

Unless otherwise shown, we also own and control all rights, including copyright, in the Videos content and compilations. This includes text, graphics, logos, button icons, video images, audio clips and the related software.

Please assume everything you see is protected by copyright and we own that copyright.

2. You can only use the Videos for their intended purpose

You must not use the Videos and the Site apart from their intended use, as set out above. This includes not:

  • printing, changing, repurposing or adapting it
  • using it to develop any work or product with the same primary function, such as an in-house style guide
  • quoting or referring to it without attributing our ownership
  • communicating or publishing it to a third party, including the public, your employer or a related body
  • recording, photographing, taking screenshots of it or streaming it in any domain
  • posting it on a website or on social media
  • displaying it on a screen for training or instruction
  • adding it to a database
  • manufacturing or selling it or hiring it out
  • otherwise exploiting it or performing an act that would infringe our intellectual property rights.

3. Our copyright is protected

Our material is protected under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and other international copyright laws.

We endorse the Australian Copyright Council in promoting the benefits of copyright protection for a fairer, more creative and economically sustainable business culture.

4. Other terms

The laws of Australia and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the New South Wales courts govern this agreement. If: 

  • any provision is waived, it must be in writing and signed by the parties
  • any part is illegal or unenforceable, it will be removed without affecting the remaining parts
  • a party does not enforce any rights or delays in enforcing them, this will not be deemed a continuing waiver or an agreement modification.

Part of Lumify Group