Dani Redmond

The passive voice is the most horrible enemy of clear expression.

The Hon Michael Kirby, former Justice of the High Court

Dani’s passion for clear communication brought her to Plain English Foundation. And she shares our belief that plain language informs people about and involves people in the things that matter to them. Dani is particularly zealous about banishing the overuse of the passive voice from your communication toolbox.

Before joining our team, Dani worked in media and communications teams for the state and federal governments and 2 royal commissions. She has also worked as a university tutor. In all her roles, she helped people to express themselves clearly and succinctly.

Professional qualifications

  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Master of Arts in Organisational Communication (Charles Sturt University)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Social Science (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Graduate Diploma of Media Arts and Production (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Position


Part of the EdventureCo Group