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A smiling woman wearing white headphones works at her laptop

1 day | 7 tools | Limited spots

We cover the core concepts of plain English and show you how they can radically improve your writing, from short emails to long reports and everything in between:

  1. Writing process: reassess your approach to workplace writing.
  2. Core message: focus your content and trim unnecessary detail.
  3. Structure: learn the different ways to present your material.
  4. Design: use layout to convey content more effectively.
  5. Tone: adapt the tone of your writing to engage readers.
  6. Clarity: activate verbs to strengthen certainty of meaning.
  7. Readability: adjust words and phrases to boost reading ease.

Before you book, please read our terms and conditions. You can cancel an enrolment up to 3 weeks beforehand, but if you want to change it after then, we will apply our service administration fee. And please choose your date carefully because we do not rebook or refund no-shows. 

Part of Lumify Group